initial blog for ETL401 was given the portrayal of ‘Climbing the
Library ladder’, reflecting the severe learning curve my ‘climb up
the rungs’ from Library Technician to the apex of Teacher Librarianship (TL)
was going to demand. During this climb, due to my not working
within a school, more than a few learning concepts have been explored in
an atmosphere of a vacuum if not explored based solely on course theory.
However, my recent ETL507 practicum at a Brisbane primary school provided a
platform to definitively attach my book learning to relevant and practical
experiences within a school library.
in this final reflective post will be a brief reflection of each subject
undertaken, detailing highlights of each field of study as well as what I have
personally gained from each subject throughout my personal ‘climb up
the rungs’ of my Teacher Librarian ladder. As I do not currently
teach within a school, this reflection details my future proposals and approaches
to being a TL.
ETL401 – Teacher Librarianship
The first subject in this Masters of Education was
a roller coaster, first up than down, elated one minute and perplexed the next.
Initially it gave me the appreciation that teacher
librarians were unique in schools through holding teaching qualifications as well as qualifications in librarianship. Understanding
of the roles of the TL came from reading Purcell’s (2010) "All
Librarians do is check out books, Right? A look at the roles..." , this
statement alone has indicated to me the depth of misunderstanding that laymen
and teachers have of my chosen profession. The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and the Australian School Library
Association (ASLA) standards of professional excellence for teacher librarians expanded on
the roles for which the teacher librarian is responsible, leader, program administrator,
instructional partner, information specialist and teacher.
Henri, & Bonanno’s (1999)
statement that the augmented roles of TLs in planning and managing library platforms
reduced interaction with students gave reason to rethink my chosen field. This
coupled with a deficiency in prominence and respect of the profession by the
media and school hierarchy (Oberg, 2002), made me question if my skills and
personality are suited to being a teacher librarian. Did I want to
progress down the path of ‘management’ rather than directly assisting students
to become informative learners and working with teachers to attain their own
success in the classroom?
perseverance prevailed and the exchange of ideas and outlooks, via the subject
forums, from those more experienced and conversant with school libraries
convinced me that TLs can construct a supportive and neutral social space for
students and staff despite the management concerns I had previously possessed. The
varied facets of teacher and teacher librarian coordination I witnessed during
my ETL507 professional placement have validated this perception of
I absorbed through Kuhlthau's Information Search Process (ISP) that ‘teacher-librarians play a
vital role in creating inquiry learning’ through information literacy
instruction programs, based upon my previous experience I see no problem in creating
learning activities that assist students in discovering concepts and
understanding information, rather than allowing them to rely on rote
information in textbooks.
ETL503 – Resourcing the curriculum
two concepts that stood out from ETL503 were the necessity of creating a
collection policy and the evolution of information resources.
when researching my library’s collection for the final assessment for ETL503, it
became apparent that I and most of my co-workers had never seen the policy that
is the ‘blueprint’ guiding how we function each day. This oversight has since
been rectified with my policy becoming the revised blueprint for the current
resource collection policy. The revised policy advocated the benefits of
collaboration in expressly resourcing the curriculum through ‘patron-driven’ involvment by both students and staff leading to incresed use
and ownwership by clients and promoting a student-centered approach to learning (Hay & Todd, 2010: Kennedy,
migration from print format to digital content was also a highlight in ETL503.
In providing a collection that conforms and embraces the evolving digital
environment, TLs must ensure that they meet the needs of the 21st
century learner. The subject stressed that these clients, born in the digital
age, will be more conversant and excepting with the online environment than
they are with print material (Johnson, 2012). Therefore TLs must lead the effort away from
biblio-centric collections to an amalgam that embrace a virtual collection
while supporting the traditional forms of information delivery to meet the
needs of all clients (Herring, 2011).
However, experiences I encountered during my ETL507 practicum contradict
this abandonment of hard copy for electronic equivalents. The school libraries
electronic collection of online resources and eBooks, able to be accessed from school
and home, is only moderately utilized by staff and not at all by students.
As a TL I must provide a constructivist approach to
information literacy within the library that includes the establishment of
appropriate resources supporting the Australian Curriculum’s general capabilities in hard copy as well as electronic. ETL501 provided me
with the opportunity to create a library policy document that endorses these
principles. This document included providing professional support that embeds
information literacy skills at the point of need as well as embedded into the
teaching program.
The basis of understanding that I have construed from
this subject is that the creation of a collection development policy for any
educational library facility must impart balance and equity in the collection,
providing for current clients, but must be flexible enough for future web-based
clients. (Evans, & Saponaro, 2005, p. 49).
ETL504 – The teacher librarian as leader
Teacher Librarian as Leader was initially a concept that was unique to my
experience of leadership; my experience in collegial leadership has been one of
linear format. ETL504 presented leadership related to organisational theory,
strategic planning and communication, a viewpoint defining TL’s role within the
school. I subsequently view TL leadership as impacting on shared visions and initiating
strategic collaboration to affect egalitarian change within a school (Haycock,
ETL504 I had an uncomplicated perception of the librarians ‘ownership’ of their
library, dispensing information and advice alongside physical texts. ETL504 has
encouraged me to see the importance of working in conjunction with teachers, establishing collabrative relationships and shared responsibility
within the school community to effect positive change through informal
leadership (Linton & Stegall 2012).
see leadership in schools much differently than I initially did; my first post denoted
that I saw my library position as one where my influence would be minimal and
limited to that of the library, focusing on providing a learning environment
for small groups and individual needs of my clients. My current position is in
direct opposite to the previous view; the subject outline suggested that a
leader is defined as one who functions with the intention of improving learning.
the idea of transformational leadership is still an aspiration for future
implementation and far from commencing to feel comfortable, my intention is to influence
change by ‘leading from the middle’, initiating meaningful communication among staff
and students, while providing a ‘safe hub’ that supports staff and students to
broaden their idea of what they can achieve and then encourage them to surpass
their mindsets.
As my concept map signifies, leadership
within schools is not restricted to a hierarchical paradigm but originates from
a collaborative culture utalising diverse approaches and contributors to achieve
a desired wholistic outcome.
Leadership concept map
Through my central
position within the school, my technology and communication proficiency
as well as my understanding of pedagogical
principles and curriculum, I am exceptionally placed to lead as a
TL, by stimulating activities,
motivation and expertise to not only teaching staff but also students
(Johnston, 2012).
ETL501 – Information environment
major perception I acquired from ETL501 is that an effectual TL 'facilitates
the development of information literacy through effective collaboration with
classroom teachers' (Broomfield, 2010). I would have liked to have
completed ETL501 in conjunction with ETL505 - Bibliographic standards in
education; both subjects involve indispensible skills for TLs to support their student’s
information literacy evaluation and retrieval through their pre-production of
electronic and text based resources and guides for students and staff.
The creation of a Pathfinder devised for grade
9 students presented me with the prospect of generating, rather than purely
guiding students to a resource. However using my own Libraries
Pathfinder/Study Guide format was, in hindsight a mistake, as it required my
adhering to the preset structure and style of a college-based presentation.
Despite this setback I consider that the creation of pathfinders to be amongst
the most effective format for learning I have developed, as it strongly positions
the library as an essential part of the classroom lesson.
The continuance of print resources within my library
policy was based upon providing a range of information literacy skills
different to those used through electronic and digital resources as well as
understanding that not everything is available in electronic format, and that
students don’t read electronic format in the same manner as they read print.
ETL501 reinforced my perception
of the so-called ‘digital generation’, although conversant with technology is
not proficient with using these resources in the practice of information
retrieval and impulsively download information of ambiguous. Their dependence
on Google and Wikipedia presents both a windfall and a hindrance in regards to
the volume, availability and quality of information. Information is so readily
available that students waste an inordinate amount of time locating resources that
are not suited to their required cognitive level.
alerted me to the need to cultivate standards for website evaluation. Both Herring,s
(2002) three distinctive components – educational, reliability and technical
criteria and Schrock’s Five W's of
Website Evaluation presented practical instruments for student learning,
students who are information literate or at least accepting in the use
and mastering of digital tools, technologies and literacies.
while researching for this subject I came upon a TED blog by Sugata Mitra 'Kids can teach
themselves'. This blog suggested
children are their own best teachers and that the ‘digital generations’
familiarity with technology may allow them to develop their own learning style,
no teachers required.
EER500 – Introduction to
educational research
during the climbing of the fifth rung I realized that my engagement and understanding
of jargons and concepts had taken a significant leap, my resultant gain in perception
could be intimated as a metacognitive coming together of everything I have
studied over the last few years. Until this decisive juncture each subject had
been attempted and comprehended individually, it was at this crux that it commenced
to develop as a holistic process with each subject corresponding like a jigsaw.
research topic for EER500 reflected my awareness in encouraging and supporting teaching
proficiency of ICT in the classroom, in advocating teachers to integrate new
technologies into curricula rather than just using ICT to present education.
have, during my career within TAFE libraries, had contact with a number of
students and also teaching staff who could be characterized as technophobic. I
have also observed how this condition has affected their learning and teaching ability.
gave me the opportunity to commit to a practicable research project to
determine the apparent disparity between existing and beginning teachers use of
ICT within the classroom, is it just digital natives verse digital immigrants
or is it the lack of training in a school setting that is holding them back.
goal of lifelong learning was, as always, the objective, and while I did not expect
or achieve any break through result, EER500 gave me the contextual experience
to investigate an observed dilemma with the objective of conceivably providing
a solution.
INF506 - Social networking for informational
chose INF506 as my elective as it reflected my teaching major.
Three projects in this subject enhanced my Web2.0 skills; the
creation of my online learning
journal was not
arduous following the obligatory blog for ETL401.
The second project, developing a Professional
Learning Network (PLN) encouraged me to be aware
of, and reflect on the communal expertise of my peers through social media
environments such as OZTL list, ASLA and
other library professionals within the many ‘communities of practice’ available.
I have come to appreciate these professional links, and I must cultivate and
expand these personal learning networks and in order to take advantage of collaborative
knowledge and peer support found both within and without the traditional
educational networks (Greenhow, 2009).
third project entailed a total shift in perspective, my utilizing the 3D
virtual world/online game 'Second Life'.
I saw little educational benefit in teleporting around fake worlds, however
after being guided by our lecturer
through the virtual CSU site, I came to understood how this media could be used
as an informative tool. By immersing students in a neutral learning
environment, virtual education stimulates interaction, exchange of ideas and
allows students to participate in individual and group activities without risk
or consequence (Aydin, 2012).
I particularly enjoyed the opportunity of finally ‘meeting’ a
few of my classmates and lecturers, albeit as avatars; continuing this method
of presenting classes would greatly reduce the dis-connectivity of distance
education that I have experienced from the first subject in this course.
ETL507 - Professional study visit and placement
My study visits covered the State Library of QLD, QLD Parliamentary Library, Queensland State
Archives, Supreme Court Library, Queensland University of Technology and the
Brisbane Square Library. Each location provided me with the
opportunity to experience a behind the counter familiarity of some of the
preeminent libraries Brisbane has to offer, with enthusiastic librarians more
than willing to answer any question regarding their chosen profession. The
passion of these librarians was palatable as they described how and why they supported their clients.
I personally found their enthusiasm inspirational and infectious.
the process of these visits I was again reminded of Ranganathan’s Fifth law that "The
Library is a Growing Organism". The concept of libraries being
‘flexible’ and adapting their environments to meet the needs of their clients, applying
social and technological developments that put the requirements
of their clientele first was a common theme, presented as an unwritten mission statement by each of these Libraries.
school placement provided me with the practical to go with the theory that I
have been absorbing. The library team was a working demonstration of working
collaboratively within a school environment, not only with the teaching staff
but also collaborating with the students through their recommendation of texts
to be added to the library collection. Collaboration also extended externally
to librarians in other schools, respectively working together to meet the specific
needs of their own clients as well as supporting each other.
The love that children have to read and to be read to was a primary
observation during this practicum. The majority of students frequenting the
school library were there to borrow fiction resources. Encouraging a love of
reading is paramount on my agenda, as I believe that a central role of a
teacher librarian involves supporting a love of literature and reading for
pleasure. And as I observed at this school stimulating reading through Book
Week activities engages the entire school in reading, this was reflected in a statement made during my study visits,
‘Never forget that the children you encourage to read today will read forever’
again, I would
have liked to have another subject to add to my bow; the elective, ETL402
Literature in Education would have been advantageous to my teaching ensemble. A
TL is a fiction advocate as well as an instructional specialist (Hering, 2002); both
involve indispensible
skills to support their student’s information literacy evaluation.
ETL505 - bibliographic standards in education
previous experience in cataloguing involved Library of Congress Marc records, consequently
ETL505s emphasis on Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC23) acquainted me
with an entirely unaccustomed arrangement of organising data.
defining feature of ETL505 was the aspect that information, to be of any value,
must be organised through consistent metadata in order that it provide the foundation for an effective cataloguing system (Caplan, 2003).
initial focus point of cataloguing involved AACR2 and the ALA Rules for Filing
Catalog Cards, scarcely cutting edge 20th century applications.
Therefore I regarded the most recent evolution, Resource Description and Access
(RDA) as a
definitive advancement that permits digital age technology to be classified
easily and enables school libraries to function more effectively in digital
establishment of SCIS in school libraries has provided a system that provides a
template for TLs to catalogue their own collections based upon organising
information across the country and providing ease of access to already
catalogued items.
knowledge I gained from the theory and practice of ETL505, subject headings,
access points, Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC23) and application of the Schools
Catalogue Information Service (SCIS) suite was a
great aid when cataloguing during my ETL50 practicum, which was another example
of the jigsaw of theory and the practical finally clicking into place.
to other subjects over the last 4 years, ETL505 has incorporated new
terminologies, principles and levels of methodical, accuracy that I must employ
so that students and staff are able to access and retrieve their required
resources. I may never become a cataloguer but this subject has presented
me with involved and challenging concepts and demonstrated the importance of
defining educational resources, rather than just providing access to
Conclusion or the rung to come
My expectations when starting this climb entailed expanding my original
knowledge of libraries from the perspective of TAFE libraries to that of the
school library, developed through a different role, as a Teacher Librarian.
Throughout my library study visits statements were made that
indicated; 'Most of all, its about people’. Therefore as a TL I must provide spaces for clients to connect,
read, learn & relax as well as explore new ideas. I understand that each
school community is a unique, transforming organism (Ranganathan, 1931) and that my abilities as a TL must adapt to conform to to this change
in order to meet the changing needs of my clientele. This encapsulates to my mind the essence of what the Master of
Education course entails.
During this climb I have realized
that the role of the TL is primarily a partnership within the school but uniquely
positioned to influence the educational proficiency of the entire school.
I understand the significance of information literacy to 21st
century students, my obligation to observe the prerequisites of the curriculum,
the importance of collection management reflecting the needs and learning
styles of its clients and the importance of collaboration in achieving the
schools educational goals.
I appreciate how much I can learn from other authorities,
through social media and professional organisations as well as my own peers.
Learning is a lifetime occupation;
and whilst I have reached the completion of this degree, the learning curve of
which has been significant, I still realise that there are so many more professional
rungs to climb as I continue to become a teacher librarian, so I am definite
that this will not be the last rung entered into my blog 'Climbing the library ladder', my journey of a trainee teacher
librarian has only begun.
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