To sum up the ETL503 ‘Resourcing the Curriculum’ is difficult, even at this
late stage, but this is the image that is forming n my mind…
The creation of a collection development policy
for any educational library facility must be centred on the collection, so that
both, not only provide for current clients, both staff and students, but it
must be flexible enough for its future web-based clients. As such, the policy is a blueprint for the strategic building
and ongoing maintenance of the essence of the library, the collection (Evans, & Saponaro, 2005, p. 49).
Not working in a primary or high school I based
the collection policy on my TAFE library.
In assessing my library’s collection in relation to the course notes,
what became apparent was, ironically enough, the necessity of every library
initiating a current development policy. This realisation became apparent when
I realised early in the subject that in my 20+ years of working in the TAFE
library sector, I have never seen the policy that is the ‘blueprint’ guiding
how I function each day.
Over the period of my
employment in libraries I have had experience with the functions of weeding,
stocktaking, the acquisition and accessioning process and recetly, the
selection process. My expectations were that I would expand my basic knowledge
of the library from a different slant, the school library.
However the process is a lot more
detailed, with more considerations than I imagined.
One point resonated, while reviewing the modules
and forum contributions on safeguarding the collection from undue censorship, I
realised that with all TAFE library resources being purchased through
contracted vendors, as per TAFE Queensland contractual oblations the purchasing
system may be open to censorship by our suppliers, it may not be, but we have
no where else to buy from. I now realize that a clear and transparent
challenges policy and procedures, linked to selection criteria, is essential in
a collection development policy to prevent what may happen.
I found the forum postings,
podcasts and online meetings to be invaluable. Along with assisting in
clarifying my understanding of the concepts discused, and their importance
within libraries, they helped me in connecting with my fellow students and the
presenters, lessening the disembodiment I find in distent educaton.
Finally, I must acknowledge the growing impact that
the virtual collection has for libraries. It is a fact that the students of
today demand instant connection to information, this makes it imperative that
online and digital resources are incorporated into collection policies. This
requires that the teacher librarian is conscious of licensing and copyright
restrictions when selecting to these resources for the virtual collection.
The policy is critical in guiding the collection
to reflect the educational, teaching and learning needs of the institutions
staff and students. This is supported by Ondrack’s (2004) statement that
‘libraries will not be deemed part of the teaching processes’ if they do not
contribute resources required by the learning and teaching needs of their
Evans, G. E. &
Saponaro, M. Z. (2005). Developing
library and information center
collections. (5th ed.). Westport, CT.: Libraries
Ondrack, J. (2004). Great
Collection! But is it enough? School Libraries in Canada, 23(3). p.
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