Introduction: - This
report details my professional teacher-librarian placement at St Matthews
Catholic Primary School, Cornubia Brisbane. The school’s population is 574
students extending from Prep to grade 6 with 38 teaching and admin staff.
Owing to the Teacher Librarian working a
five day fortnight the placement was spread over a month, Not having worked in
a school library, it was requested from the school principal for permission to
work as a volunteer within the school library on a continuous basis from 20th
July 2015 till 20th August 2015 incorporating the ten-day placement with
the schools Teacher-librarian.
Part A:
of the library - The roles of this library is based on providing an equitable literacy
experience to all 574 students on a class and individual basis, as well as
facilitate the efforts of the classroom teachers. The library is open continuously
from 8.00am to 3.30pm five days a week, The teacher-librarian, library teacher or
library aid are available to support staff and students access to materials
both inside and outside of class time.
The library goes to
great lengths to inculcate and support a love of reading in their students by making
available a diverse quantity of quality fiction and non-fiction texts. These
texts are chosen, to complement the students’ interests through an extensive
selection that cater for diverse variations in learning styles and abilities;
students are encouraged take ownership of their library by suggesting fiction
texts to be added to the library collection as well as vote on existing texts
to be either kept or removed from the collection.
The library provide
support and collaboration with classroom teachers to plan, implement programmes;
starting from being involved in each grades initial preparation and planning
meeting and providing support and a wide variety of curriculum resources to
cater for the programmes decided upon.
- An
educational library has a well-defined client base, the library this school
library is no exception and is well utilised by both staff and students. Each
class, from preps through to grade six is rostered to access the library during
their weekly library lesson, and can also access the library during the play
period of lunch if they choose, however library staff are not in attendance at
this time and a general teacher is rostered to supervise the students during
this period of time. Lunchtime students are generally accessing library iPads, laptops
or desktop computers to work on school assignments or projects, play on school-sanctioned
game apps or websites.
All students are
encouraged to take part in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge, both the TL and
classroom teachers encourage students to enter with the successful students
photo inserted within a star and placed on a wall in the library, this small demonstration
of fame has encouraged many more to complete their list, as well as becoming a
focal point on any library visit.
Teacher resources are held within the library
and are available for access during the school day. Teaching staff regularly
makes contact with the TL looking for particular texts for their lessons, or to
pick up pre-prepared guided reading packs for students access within the
Collections - The school operates
OLIVER as its Library Management System (LMS) for all operational functions –
circulation, acquisitions, serials and cataloguing (through Resource
Description Access (RDA) via Schools Catalogue Information Service (SCIS). All resources are
barcoded, provided with an accession number and covered with contact (as required) before being either placed
in the collection for borrowing or being circulated to the classrooms.
Apart from new items for teaching staff
there is no reservations available for students all loans are based upon a
first come first served basis.
The libraries main collection is comprised
within the subsequent areas:
Junior Fiction – comprising of suitable
reading level picture books and big books for children from Prep to Grade Two.
These items are stored in a series of low, wheeled boxes, at a height
appropriate for smaller children to peruse and choose from, these items are not
shelved in any order. Age levelled guided material is held on shelving at the
back of the library area and are conveyed to the main area for teacher directed
Intermediate Fiction - comprising of simple
chapter books and novel-sized stories that are intended for students from Grade
Three to Grade Four and are held on the libraries main fiction shelves.
Senior Fiction - comprising of more
challenging texts, are mostly accessed by students in Grades Five & Six.
This collection also includes a small collection of graphic novels.
Popular Series Texts – these texts are kept
on a separate shelf and also on racks in series and gender order. As stated
previously, students are encouraged to recommend texts to be added to the library
collection and as such the library receives the most requests for additions to
this collection.
Non-Fiction - comprising of texts designed to
complement particular units of work and catalogued according to the Dewey
Decimal System within the general collection. Being a Catholic school, religious
texts are a significant portion of the general collection.
Teacher Resources - stored in the library
back room these
resources encompass guided readers, ephemera, maps and globes, iPads, Laptops, speakers,
cameras, science and geography kits.
– The library building houses the schools computer lab and issues the
schools laptops and iPads that are used both inside and outside the library.
Staffing and Management: - The library personnel consist of three
members; the teacher-librarian works a five-day fortnight consisting of every
second Wednesday and each Thursday and Friday. Her main roles comprise of managing the
library budget; curriculum planning; sourcing appropriate and requested items;
cataloguing, literacy instruction, collection management and weeding.
Her job share partner’s five-day fortnight comprises
every second Wednesday and each Monday and Tuesday. As she does not hold any
library qualifications her main role comprises of literacy instruction.
The Library aid and works Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday of each week and has been in the role for almost 20 years.
Her main roles are to issue, return and shelve items; process items from purchase
through to covering, cataloguing and accessioning.
There is a overlapping
of some roles, however most decisions are arrived at as a consultative team.
Ongoing professional and
personal development is well supported by a range of in-house programs and
external workshops. Each Wednesday general staff meeting includes at least one
development session, presented by various staff that have attended courses,
workshops and seminars and are encouraged to share their new knowledge at team
Part B:
Meeting needs of
its users - While not currently teaching and with the experience of school libraries
terminating at High school, there is inadequate familiarity of school libraries
to compare and contrast the placement school against. However with 25 years of library
occupation involving the tutoring of students within TAFE libraries it is perceived
that the staff of St Matthews library excel in meeting the requirements of its
The Students of St Matthews have been provided
with access to fiction texts in conjunction with in library classes that inspire,
appeal to their curiosity and are at an appropriate reading level to nurture continued
fascination in reading.
The Premier’s Reading Challenges
shortlisted books feature prominently in the teacher-librarians regular
purchases. Otherwise, regular purchases of new books reflect students’
interests some of which the students themselves request or recommend, provide a
collection that is in daily turnover by students.
However the libraries non-fiction
collection is in need of updating as sizeable segments are dated and apart from
required class assignments specific texts do not appear to be stimulating
enough to be accessed by the students.
The libraries
electronic collection, which can be accessed from home, is also deficient, while providing access
to online resources and eBooks for staff and students, this service is only
moderately utilised by staff and not at all by students. It does include an
eBook collection; which
can contribute in supporting the learning needs of students with reading difficulties
as well as enticing students who cannot relate to physical texts. Nonetheless the
teacher-librarian stated that the complete lack of use by students could
possibly be attributed to the initial difficulty in providing a secure and uncomplicated
student login. This problem is on the agenda to be rectified in the foreseeable
Information literacy is
of particular interest to me; through user
education classes we can, as teachers-librarians, initiate our students to
lifelong learning by giving the future skills that are essential for acquiring
knowledge. Being unable to observe any programed sessions due
to the time of the year; however current
observations showed that all library staff model educative behaviour on a time
of need basis in most customer dealings. All
students can access the school Online Public Access Computer (OPAC) at home or
within the library via their student logins but this service is rarely utilised
and only two students were observed utilizing this system across the four weeks
of the practicum.
Promotion of new resources is crucial to ensure teaching
staff is kept well informed of the libraries holdings and to continue the
attraction students have to favourite authors and series. To this point small collections of
new resources are displayed by grade order, at the entrance to the library to
notify both staff and students.
The general colour scheme and lack of
student centred decoration (during the practicum) suggest an absence of vivacity
that would further attract and appeal to students.
Apart from these points, the library does
a respectable job in addressing the needs of staff and students. All staff have
equitable access to the libraries resources, is able to arrange requests for specific
items with full expectation of the library purchasing these for future use.
The library has conveyed in numerous ways
that the
library belongs to the students, by asking for and receiving their opinion on
purchases and text to be weeded, the consequence of this cooperation is a consumed
and constructive collection. The detail that each person entering, student or staff, was
greeted by name presents a friendly, neutral atmosphere that was obviously appreciated.
Part C:
- Owing to previous library experience the practicum was
not as unfamiliar and daunting as it could have been, apart from making the
transition from Library of Congress to Dewey Decimal and learning the
complexities of the school LMS Oliver I felt at home from day one and was given various supervised
and unsupervised undertakings across the period of the practicum.
One of the first
projects I was involved in was considering prospective opinions and benefits of
altering the borrowing matrix for the students.
Each class within the school is rostered to attend
the library each week as part of their regular school program; lessons are
established with consultation between the class teacher and the teacher
librarian at the beginning of the term. Consequently I had a set rota of
classes each day to at first observe, later to assist with and subsequently to instruct.
Preparation and Grade One – This program consisted of a series
of shortlisted books; Pig Pug, Scary
Night, Go to sleep Jessie and Snail and Turtle are friends were the texts I
read to the preps and then asked them to rate on likeability; Loved it, Liked it, It was alright, Did not
like It, the results to be tallied on the wall.
Reflection – You can never put too much enthusiasm into reading to the younger
grades, even young children have their own strong opinions on what they like
and do not like.
Grade Two & Three – Was concerned with an
established writing review of allocated texts.
Reflection – This
project had been established between the Teacher-librarian and and the class
teacher and did not allow for interaction apart from assisting in marking of
completed work. Even in the same grades there is a marked difference in
ability, comprehension and writing dexterity. The task was to supervise two or
three students who would benefit from one-to-one tutoring.
Four - classes consisted of a
series of shortlisted books; My two
blankets, The Stone Lion and Rivertime were the texts read to this class
across the practicum, the students were to focus on language; figurative
language; synonyms; character development; metaphor; making inference;
relevance of illustrations and authors point of view.
Reflection – The
children’s understanding of difference between cultures and people was
remarkable. Rivertime was such a
large involved text (78 pages) that I decided to cover it over two weeks reading
it through the use of an epidiascope, the students enjoyed the comic book style
of the text and it surprisingly held their interest over the two weeks.
Grade Five - Was concerned with an established writing
review of allocated texts and a reading circle, where the students discuss and
possibly recommend texts they have read on their own.
Reflection – My
assignment was to direct two or three students who would benefit from
one-to-one tutoring as well as assisting in marking of completed work.
Grade Six - The major task across
the practicum was to work with all three grade six classes in researching and
writing up a report on a specified Australian soldier from the WW1 battle of
Fromelles, prior to the students trip to the War Memorial, Canberra. This involved
preparing a weekly power point listing the causes of WW1, life in the trenches,
the battle of Fromelles and assist students in the research required to find
their soldier and complete their task.
Reflection – A serendipitous
project that allowed me to prepare and deliver on a subject that is of personal
interest, the students appreciated and utilised the display I provided.
Apart from working with the
above classes I issued, returned and shelved texts on a daily basis; repaired resources
and copy catalogued through OLIVER and RDA via SCIS.
The training I
received from the teacher-librarian and her assistants, benefited me greatly,
when owing to illness, I was asked to fill in for the teacher-librarian and in
due course managed (my own) library, if only for one day. I now know that as a
result of being part of this process and the studies I have undertaken, I have the
ability and knowledge to execute, at least the basic tasks, expected in
operating a library effectively.
Part D:
Evaluation of the placement - This placement was of
immense help to my chosen career. As stated previously I have had extensive
experience in TAFE libraries, however, as a fairly
inexperienced teacher, not currently at a school, this intense process
deepened my understanding and altered my perception of the role of
teacher-librarian, in many ways this practicum has broadened my comprehension to
the scope of the profession and has exposed me to an entirely different mode of
library, using distinctive systems and procedures which I believe that I can
employ in any future position.
Being based at St Matthews has been an
invaluable experience as the staff answered every question, made me feel like a
true member of the library and allowed me to ‘practice’ every aspect of library
procedure and allowed me the opportunity to gain a “big picture” view of my
future profession. My role in this practicum was
to assist where required, in as many varied library activities as possible, to
support the teacher-librarian and her staff in as many situations as they were
willing to trust me with, to observe and examine the running of the library and
most importantly to subsequently provide an exceptional service to the staff
and students of the school. I found it gratifying in having my opinions requested involving a
number of procedures
Owing to the deficiency of school library
experience, the placement was a highly valuable experience as it allowed for
the formation of correlations between the practicable and the theoretical
aspects acquired throughout the evolution of our studies.
A new outlook relating
to teacher-librarianship has in some regards also expanded through this
practicum. While a library technician
(as I am) is engrossed primarily in operational involvements and a teacher (as
I am also) is immersed in the development of their students, I have realised
that a teacher-librarian (as I hope to be) must reflect strategically, taking
into account the holistic viewpoint of the library, the students and staff and the
school as an entirety, its not all about the books.